Once you view this entire post, there should be no doubt in your mind about what is happening to our EARTH! This is a topic I have posted on before, but like I have said many times, when I first started looking for answers and sharing the truth that was revealed to me, there were not many places to find the truth. NOW… there is a plethora of videos, articles, photos, on just about any topic you can imagine. So, I decided to create a new post that really gives you specifics, and sources, documentation and photos.

This is serious stuff folks. You can’t afford to ignore it or laugh it off. Those who have been labeled “Conspiracy Theorists” have been the only ones who will tell you the truth. They put themselves out there, because they care. Not because they want your money, or they want their 15minutes of fame. THEY WANT TO OPEN YOUR EYES.

WE are not saying that CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT A REAL ISSUE. We are saying that we are being fed a lot of lies about where it came from, how it is being perpetrated and where is going to end. The Public, ordinary people, are not the cause. Nor is it a natural phenomenon. Our WORLD is being deliberately and viciously destroyed around us. Using powerful forces controlled by powerful people and organizations.



Updated: Tuesday 13 June 2017 Christer Pedersen Journalist

Norwayis injecting NOK 288 million into a new space radar facility in Skibotn – which will replace theEiscatfacility at Ramfjordmoen in four years.


Christer PedersenJournalist

Updated:Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 9:56 am

The article is more than seven years old

It is the Research Council of Norway that allocates the money to the facility – which has a total budget of just over NOK 700 million, where the EU includes research funding.

A total of 10,000 radar antennaswill be placed in the Skibotn valley, as well as inKirunainSweden and Karesuvanto in Finland.

The facility will be used to study the upper atmosphere in the High North.

“I am pleased that all the countries in the EISCAT collaboration have agreed to splice on this new radar system. It will be a big step forward for international space research, and will of course also be important for Norwegian space activities,” says the Minister of Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen in a press release.

The planned facility in Skibotn is intended to open in 2021.

“This equipment upgrade can have a major impact on research. In addition, it will be a good addition to existing EISCAT radars in Svalbard, among other places, and will thus also make polar research more relevant outside Svalbard,” says John-Arne Røttingen , CEO of the Research Council of Norway.

Since EISCAT was established in 1975, UiT has been the host institution for the instruments in Norway.During these years, the organization has attracted researchers from all over the world toTromsøand given UiT students the opportunity to participate in international collaboration early in their studies. There is widespread collaboration between researchers in Tromsø and researchers in Sweden, Finland, the UK,Ukraine,Russia,Chinaand Japan.

“Six weeks ago, a PhD student from UiT returned from a three-month stay at the National Polar Research Institute in Tokyo where she was working on completing her thesis,” says UiT Professor of Physics andTechnology, Unni Pia Løvhaug.

Published:Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 08:39AM Updated:Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 9:56 AM

Start»About EISCAT

EISCAT is an international scientific association with member institutes in several countries. We conduct ionospheric and atmospheric measurements with radars. As an example we can observe effects of the aurora borealis or the northern lights. We operate in three countries: Finland, Norway and Sweden, and all our facilities are located north of the Arctic circle. We are associated with our radar antennas, that are located in Kiruna, Sweden; Sodankylä, Finland; Tromsø, Norway and in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. In Tromsø we also have a combined ionospheric heating and short-wave radar facility.



EISCAT Scientific Associationis a non-profit scientificorganisationthat operate four radar antenna sites to enable research on the ionosphere and the upper atmosphere. Our radars are all located above the Arctic Circle and all radar sites work together, which give scientists an unique reserarch opportunity. EISCAT radars have been used for different types of studies and different phenomenas, for exampleSpace Weather,Space Debrisand theAurora. You can find more information in thepublications. Operational statistics and financial summaries can be found in theAnnual- and Financial Reports section. The section includes the2022 Financial Report(Årsredovisning 2022).

To gain access to our facilities, read morehere.

EISCATwas established in 1975. We are a scientific organisation that conducts research on the lower,middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere using the incoherent scatter radar technique. This technique is the most powerful ground-based tool for these research applications. The first EISCAT system, the UHF incoherent scatter radar, became operable in 1981. Since then, the facilities of the EISCAT Scientific Association have been continuously developed and extended and today comprise world-class radars and a powerful ionospheric heating facility.

EISCAT is also being used as a coherent scatter radar for studying instabilities in the ionosphere, as well as for investigating the structure and dynamics of the middle atmosphere and as a diagnostic instrument in ionospheric modification experiments with theHeating facility.

There are ten incoherent scatter radars in the world, and we here at EISCAT operates three of the highest-standard facilities. These sites are located in the Scandinavian sector, north of the Arctic Circle. They consist of two independent radar systems under the auroral oval on the mainland, together with another radar in the north polar cap region on the island of Spitzbergen in the Svalbard archipelago.

The EISCAT radars may only be used for civilian reserach.

First Council meeting

EISCAT is governed by The EISCAT Council, that has an overall responsibility for the activities of the Association. The EISCAT Council usually meet twice a year. Read more here:The EISCAT Council.

The first EISCAT Council meeting was held at Kiruna Geophysical Observatory (KGO), Sweden, 20 January 1976.


Attending from Associates: Dr. H.H. Atkinson, UK, Prof. W.I. Axford, Germany, Prof. W.J.G Beynon, UK, Mr. P. Creyssel, France (Chairperson), Dr. J. Delhaye, France, Prof. K.B. Dysthe, Norway, Mr. J. Gustavsson, Sweden, Dr. G. Haerendel, Germany, Dr. F. Horner, UK, Prof. B. Hultqvist, Sweden (Vice-Chair), Dr. G. Preiss, Germany, Dr. O. Ranta, Finland, Mr. A. Sandbo, Norway and Prof. A. Siivola, Finland. Absent: Mr. F. du Castel, France. EISCAT staff: Prof. T. Hagfors (Director) and Dr. K. Folkestad (Assistant Director). Other participants: Mr. A. Jubier, France, Mme. J. Mirabel, France. Dr. H. Rishbeth (SAC Chairperson) and Mr. A. Schwerer (Contract Review Commission (SRC) member). With France beeing a member, both English and French were used in the meeting (you see the interpreter’s booth in the second photo)

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This article is part of the series:HAARP and the Sky Heaters
Also check

In our last articleHAARP, ELF Generation, and Mass Mind Control, we discussed the history of ELF generation, briefly touched on the effects of ELF waves on our nervous system, and explored a few of the old-school ELF/VLF facilities around the globe. While many “doom fans” are lamenting the possibledemise of their favorite energy weapon, new Sky Heaters are popping up in HAARP’s wake (if you catch my drift) ready to pluck our planet’s magnetic strings. We will now delve into the world of ionospheric heating by touring the top five and describing in graphic (nerdy) detail how these heaters work.Sky Heaters, also known as Ionospheric Heaters, are:

“Powerful HF transmitter (2.8-10 MHz) that induces controlled temporary modification to the electron temperature at desired altitude” which are“Use(d) in conjunction with diagnostics to study, in a cause and effect fashion: Electromagnetic propagation, plasma turbulence and instabilities” and the

“Response of magnetospheric plasma and Radiation Belts to controlled perturbations (meaning man-made intervention) of the ionospheric plasma”. [1]

Basically, scientists are trying to understand our ionosphere by poking it and seeing how it reacts. There are many Ionospheric Heaters around the world, however we will stick to just the top five for the sake of keeping this article short(ish). If you would like to see all of the otherSky Heaters, check out ourClimateViewer MobileandClimateViewer 3DHAARP map.THE TRUE CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANY OTHER CHANGES IN OUR WORLD – Eye Opening Truth (11)

View Map onClimateViewer MobileandClimateViewer 3D. RED = Ionospheric Heater, DARK BLUE = Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR), GREEN = EISCAT (ISR), LIGHT BLUE = Historic facilities (now closed). There are five major Ionospheric Heaters and multiple smaller facilities in operation today, not counting theSky Heaters on trailers, submarines, and boats


High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) [UPDATE** NOW CLOSED 2016]

30 miles Northeast of Fairbanks Alaska 64.87239299272552, -146.8389785512115

  • Antennas: circular array of 8 crossed dipoles, copper wire ground-planes and resonant triaxial baluns
  • Frequency: 2.85 – 4.53 MHz
  • Power: 1,200,000 Watts (1.2 MW, 150 kW x 8)
  • ERP: 70,000,000 Watts (70 MW)

The HIPAS facility is engaged in the study of the ionosphere through the use of high power radio transmission as well as a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging ) instrument. The facility is home to several projects with some interesting equipment, including:

  • A plasma torch, used for experiments in hazardous waste disposal
  • A 2.8 meter liquid mercury mirror telescope.
  • An array of antennae which are used for heating the ionosphere.

Some of the research conducted at HIPAS was similar to the controversial HAARP project, and so the staff of the facility sometimes had to answer the same questions from the public. The facility has been shut down and much of the equipment sold off as surplus during the Spring of 2010. [2]

The ELF will monitor the resonant frequency of the earth’s atmospheric cavity using ground-based receiving coils. The resulting data may provide information about global warming and the nature of earth’s atmospheric mantles. Students will be able to excite these waves using the high power transmitter at HIPAS and watch their decay in the earth’s resonant cavity. students will learn that a natural system will respond with a larger amplitude when excited at its resonance.ELF waves are of great interest because theyresonatewith ion cyclotron motion in the Artic atmosphere. CO2- and Cl -. (Ion Dynamics and Ozon, A.Y. Wong 1991. Negative CO2 and Cl ions. [3]



byMark Lowenthal

April 3, 1995


recovered throughWayBackMachineWebsite

Part I

Project HAARP – The Military’s Plan to Alter the Ionosphere

byClare ZickuhrandGar Smith

The Pentagon’s mysterious HAARP project, now under construction at an isolated Air Force facility near Gakona, Alaska, marks the first step toward creating the world’s most powerful “ionospheric heater.”

TheHigh Frequency Active Auroral Research Project(HAARP), a joint effort of the Air Force and the Navy, is the latest in a series of little-known Department of Defense (DOD) “active ionospheric experiments.”

Internal HAARP documents state:

“From a DOD point of view, the most exciting and challenging” part of the experiment is “its potential to control ionospheric processes” for military objectives.

Scientists envision using the system’s powerful 2.8-10 megahertz (MHz) beam to burn “holes” in the ionosphere and “create an artificial lens” in the sky that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy “to higher altitudes … than is presently possible.” The minimum area to be heated would be 31 miles in diameter.

The initial $26 million, 320 kw HAARP project will employ 360 72-foot-tall antennas spread over four acres to direct an intense beam of focused electromagnetic energy upwards to strike the ionosphere. The next stage of the project would expand HAARP’s power to 1.7 gigawatts (1.7 billion watts), making it the most powerful such transmitter on Earth.

For a project whose backers hail it as a major scientific feat, HAARP has remained extremely low-profile – almost unknown to most Alaskans, and the rest of the country. HAARP surfaced publicly in Alaska in the spring of 1993, when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began advising commercial pilots on how to avoid the large amount of intentional (and some unintentional) electromagnetic radiation that HAARP would generate.

Despite protests of FAA engineers and Alaska bush pilots, the final Environmental Impact Statement gave HAARP the green light.

While a November 1993 “HAARP Fact Sheet” released to the public by the Office of Naval Research stressed only the civilian and scientific aspects of the project, an earlier, 1990, Air Force- Navy document, acquired by Earth Island Review, listed only military experiments for the HAARP project.

Scientists, environmentalists, and native people are concerned that HAARP’s electronic transmitters could harm people, endanger wildlife, and trigger unforeseen environmental impacts.

Inupiat tribal advisor Charles Etok Edwardsen, Jr., wrote President Clinton on behalf of the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope and the Kasigluk Elders Conference expressing their concern with the prospect of altering the earth’s neutral atmospheric properties.

HAARP also may violate the 1977 Environmental Modification Convention (ratified by the U.S. in 1979), which bans “military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects.”

HAARP project manager John Heckscher, a scientist at the Air Force’s Phillips Laboratory, has called concerns about the transmitter’s impact unfounded.

“It’s not unreasonable to expect that something three times more powerful than anything that’s previously been built might have unforeseen effects,” Heckscher told Microwave News. “But that’s why we do environmental impact statements.”

Part II

HAARP – No Man Hath It Unveiled
[compiled and synopsized from various Leading Edge articles]

In Gakona, Alaska a joint project of the US Navy, Air Force and University of Alaska will soon be up and operational.

The High frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) has been portrayed as a research project which will investigate the aurora borealis but in reality is a military-industrial endeavor which will employ renegade Tesla technology to alter the ionosphere in such a fashion as to tactically affect weather patterns, block all global communications and even effect planned earthquakes.

It is a bitter shame, IMO, that so much ofTesla’s genius has been corrupted and perverted to the point whereby it could become an extremely negative influence in years to come.

Interestingly enough, a subsidiary of ARCO called APTI (ARCO Power Technologies, Inc.) holds apatent #4,686,605which matches the HAARP proposal dealing with transmitting extremely large amounts of RF energy into the ionosphere.

The patent claims it has the following uses:

cause… total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth... disrupting not only land-based communications, but also land-based communications and sea communications (both surface and subsurface)...missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, or confusion... weather modification… by altering solar absorption… ozone, nitrogen, etc. could be artificially increased...”


An initial trial experiment will be performed and, if “successful,” will give the green light to a massive antenna array which the military hopes to complete sometime in 1997.

Although it has been recognized by the US Dept of Commerce, Natl Telecommunications and Information Administration that global communications will certainly be adversely affected by this strategy, other risks are unclear in the literature related to this project.

Read on and you will discover why the proposed use of the HAARP project is akin to removing a few fleas from your dog by pouring gasoline on him then igniting it. Though the fleas are destroyed, so in the process is your dog. This perversion of well-intendedTesla technologywill most probably have dire side effects on every living thing in our entire biosphere and could conceivably lead to the destruction of the entire planet.

Regarding the theory behindHAARP, Tesla was quoted in theNew York Times(Dec. 8, 1915) as saying:

THE TRUE CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANY OTHER CHANGES IN OUR WORLD – Eye Opening Truth (15)“It is not a time to go into the details of this thing. It is founded upon a principle that means great things in times of peace; it can be used for great things in war. But I repeat, this is no time to talk of such things.

It is perfectly practicable to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible, and have described it in my technical publications, among which I refer tomy patent number 1,119,732, recently granted.(click image right)

With transmitters of this kind we are enabled to project electrical energy in any amount to any distance and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in war and peace. Through the universal adoption of this system, ideal conditions for the maintenance of law and order will be realized, for then the energy necessary to the enforcement of right and justice will be normally productive, yet potential, and in any moment available for attack and defense.

The power transmitted need not be necessarily destructive, for, if distance is made to depend upon it, it’s withdrawal or supply will bring about the same results as those now accomplished by force of arms.”

A laterNew York Timesarticle (Sept. 22, 1940) stated:

Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his 84thbirthday on July 10, tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the US Government the secret of his ’teleforce’ with which, he said, airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible Chinese Wall of defense would be built around the country.

This ’teleforce’, he said, is based on an entirely new principle of physics that ’no one has ever dreamed about’, different from the principle in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents.

This new type of force, Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one hundred- millionth of a square centimeter, and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than $2,000,000 and would take only about three months to construct.”

In a press release by the USAF dated Nov. 3, 1993, the military announced that the prime contractor on the HAARP project wasARCO Power Technologies, Inc. and that the first phase of the program was already underway to develop and test a low-power high-frequency (2.8-10.0 MHz) prototype transmitter array.

A fact sheet issued by theOffice of Naval Researchand thePhillips Laboratoryabout HAARP (Nov. 4, 1993) mentioned (among other things):

“Potential applications of the HAARP research include developing DoD technology for detecting cruise missiles and aircraft and for communicating with submarines. Although HAARP is being managed by the AF and Navy, it is purely a scientific research facility [yeah, right -d4]…

“…The beam would be several degrees wide, depending on frequency, and thus would influence a region several miles in diameter in thelower ionosphere, expanding to several tens of miles in the upper ionosphere.

“As a result of a competitive procurement, the AF and Navy has awarded a contract to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI) for the design and construction of the IRI and associated support facilities… The current schedule anticipates construction at the Gakona [Alaska] site(below)would begin November 1993 and conclude the fall of 1994 with the demonstration prototype.

Construction for the full-size IRI is anticipated to begin early 1995 and conclude late 1997.”


Joint US/Soviet Involvement

Further research reveals that starting in the late 1960’s, US and Soviet scientists began a series of joint efforts to warm up the Arctic (documented in Lowell Ponte’s 1976 book, “The Cooling“).

At the 1974 Vladivostok Summit, US and Soviet leaders began weather engineering operations. By the late 1970’s, the US joined in it’s own weather-modifying ELF signals.

To improve joint electromagnetic weather-control actions, the US brought a number of Russian scientists to work at the top-secretLawrence Livermore high-tech weapons laboratory. Although the project was officially disguised as “environmental cleanup research,” the real purpose of the joint Russian/US project has been kept secret from the American people.

The plan to use Russian technology was described in the 4/8/93Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin:

During the Cold War, in the closed research laboratory of the Gorky, Russian military scientists developed the ’Gyrotron’; a high-energy microwave generator designed to sweep the skies of Western warplanes [using Teslascalar-wave technology].

Today, at theLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, American military scientists are weighing a Russian proposal to use those generators for a new missioncleansing the atmosphere of ozone- depleting chemicals [CFC’s]. The Lawrence Livermore scientists began collaborating with their Russian counterparts last year, traveling to Russian research centers, engaging in joint projects…”

The new HAARP weather-engineering system, now under construction in Alaska, will have (among it’s numerous functions) the clear capacity to zap pollution and will also be able to increase or decrease upper atmospheric ozone levels at will.

In fact, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory’s secret 21-member US/Soviet Project Woodpecker” team in charge of the project just won a special award from both the CIA and the NSA for their efforts.

Hmm… sounds OK so far. So what’s all the fuss about?

US Weather Engineering Project

Physicist Dr.Bernard J. Eastlundessentially “borrowed” Tesla’s ideas and received a patent (#4,686,605 issued Aug. 11, 1987) for an invention which employed the borrowed ideas.

The patent was assigned to ARCO’s APTI and on Sept. 6, 1987, National Public Radio reported:

“Dr. Eastlund stated that his new invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns... The invention uses an earth-based power source to create electromagnetic radio waves and focus them way up into the atmosphere. Dr. Eastlund says the invention could steer the jet stream, but could also be used to disrupt communications all over the world.

Among other things, the 1987 patent states,

Large regions of the upper atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high altitude... weather modification is possible, by for example altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns (which is exactly what the Russian Woodpecker ELF system does).”

A 3/88 OMNI Magazine article about Dr. Eastlund’s invention stated:

“…Essentially what would happen is a huge section of the [HAARP] charged atmosphere would be pushed upward and outward from earth by this electromagnetic force. You can, says Eastlund, virtually lift part of the upper atmosphere.

“Eastlund also says you could construct ’plumes of atmospheric particles to act as a lens or focusing device for sunlight. By being able to intensify and control light, one could heat a specific part of the earth and learn to manipulate local wind patterns.

What this means, he says, is that by controlling local weather patterns, one could, say, bring rain to Ethiopia or alter the summer storm pattern in the Caribbean” (as just demonstrated in the July, 1994 Gulf storm that stood-in-place and flooded Georgia, Florida and Alabama).

Because of the publicity about these aspects of the Eastlund-Arco patent, the US Government suppressed all further news about the invention’s weather-engineering features. Since about 1989, the invention has been disguised as a device for conducting “atmospheric research.”

A hard-working environmental group, the Cook Inlet Vigil, has uncovered shocking details about the severe dangers posed by this new earthionospheric “zapping” system.

The 12/15/91 Alaska Daily News carried a big article on HAARP:

“Electrical energy floats high over Alaska, where it is visible as the aurora borealis, a shimmering white, green and crimson curtain. These brilliant northern lights are the product of a huge natural generator that produces up to 10,000,000 megawatts of power as particles from the solar wind crash into the earth’s magnetic field.

There are concentrated currents, called electrojets, that flow in the ionosphere, and may sometimes reach millions of amperes. When the electrojet touches earth, as it sometimes does during magnetic storms, it can knock out telephone cables and power grids.”

The most powerful pre-HAARP ELF ionospheric heating systems were constructed by the Soviet Union at sites in,

  • Sura
  • Goriky
  • Monchegorsk
  • Dushanbe (Tadzhikistan)

Western pre-HAARP ionospheric heating systems are located in,

  • Tromso, Norway
  • Arecibo, Puerto Rico
  • near Fairbanks, Alaska
  • Platteville, Colorado

These systems together with the Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, have created a severe alteration of global weather patterns – beginning in 1976, but intensifying through the 1980’s and 1990’s, as more ELF transmitters were constructed.

The new Gakona HAARP project is only the beginning stage of a much larger system. Later, the antenna array will be vastly expanded and radiate power of 1.7 GIGAwatts (billions of watts), making it the most powerful ELF transmitter in the world.

As an aside, Tesla researcher Sheldon Nidle mentioned in his 1994 book “You are becoming a Galactic Human“:

...These events allowed me to study some unusualTesla devicessuch as the wireless power technology, called the magnifying transmitter, in greater detail. This research gave me access to information as to how Tesla’s theories were being used by both the Soviet Union and the US to create a weather war that has continued from the mid-1970’s to the present time.”

Strange sky glow anomalies and weird lightning and plasma-type effects have been seen all over the former USSR, near the Woodpecker transmitter sites.

For example, the 9/23/77 Washington Post reported that,

“a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it like a jellyfish and showering down shafts of light.”

Similar plasma effects have been created by the US ionosphere-zapping ELF transmitters, at the height of 1993’s great Midwest flood.

The 9/24/93 Kansas City Star reported that a research team from the University of Alaska’s Geophysical Institute (which is involved in work on HAARP) discovered,

“mysterious flashes of light that shoot from the tops of storm-clouds into the upper atmosphere... over the Midwest during summer floods.”

This sighting occurred when that area was being hit with giant standing-wave, long-lasting weather-blocking systems that were generated by a combination of theRussian Woodpecker ELFwaves andUS GWEN Tower VLFwaves. The newspaper reported that these mysterious flashes,

“resemble jellyfish. They are brightest where they top out – typically about 40 miles high so you have the jellyfish body at the top with tentacles trailing down.”

Additional information about the mystery flashes over 1993’s Midwest flood appeared in the 5/27/94Science Magazinewhich reported:

Atmospheric Scientists Puzzle Over High-Altitude Flashesand certain recently released films taken from the space shuttle (STS something-or-other) which caught the odd plasma effects [“sprites” -d4].

Dangerous Earth Anomalies From ELFs

Within a short time after the start of US and Soviet through-the- earth transmissions, this planet’s internal dynamo was affected.

The 12/13/84Washington Postreported that the earth had experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation. Although the planet’s spin had been gradually decreasing over a long period of time, this anomaly was so unusual that the normal compensation by US Naval Observatory scientists (via a leap second added to atomic clocks) was not needed.

The newspaper stated:

Why earth should have slowed… isn’t wholly understood.”

Scientists at the US Naval Observatory and at the Jet Propulsion Lab found that the,

earth, like an unbalanced washing machine,” has developed “wobbles as it spins.”

(7/15/88 Wall Street Journal).

The 7/90OMNI Magazinereported that between January 24 to February 3, 1990, the earth’s rotation suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down AGAIN. US Naval Observatory scientists reported that the slowdown was more abrupt than usual.

The 8/9/91 New York Times described the causes of these unexpected sudden disruptions:

Geophysicists suspect that perturbations in the circulation of the hot fluid metallic core contributes to the rotational changes… The irregular rotation variations are the result of fluctuating fluid flow in the underlying metallic core and the overlying hydrosphere and atmosphere, and… also convection forces within earth and the movement of crustal plates near the surface.”

All of which are influenced by through-the-earth ELF vibrations.

The 12/11/86Chicago Tribunereported:

Giant whirlpools, some nearly 60 miles wide, have been detected moving along Norway’s coasts at speeds of up to 4 knots, posing serious threats to mariners. These giant whirlpools have no obvious center and are difficult to spot.”

The newspaper reported that the mammoth whirlpools were unheard of before 1980 (a period after the US and the USSR began generating ELF waves).

Giant standing waves called “solitons,” have been spotted near the Strait of Gibraltar. The 4/30/85 New York Times reported the discovery of massive internal waves in the oceans that do not appear to any large extent on the surface.

“A dramatic series of internal waves has now been traced through the Strait of Gibraltar from photographs” taken from a space shuttle in October, 1984.

A map in that newspaper shows a giant standing wave line on the western side of the Strait.

Scientists measuring ocean waves reported that,

the Atlantic Ocean is getting rougher.

Measurements taken since the 1960’s indicated that during the late 1970’s (a period following the start of Soviet and US ELF transmissions),

“the waves did seem to get bigger.”

The 4/19/88 New York Times reported that British scientists have discovered that waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean,

“have increased more than 20 percent since the 1960’s.”

Ocean researchers consider this to be a “significant climatic phenomenon.”

Earthquake Engineering Project

In a February, 1912 interview, in the publication, “The World Today”Nikola Teslasaid that it would be possible to split the planet by combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the earth itself:

“Within a few weeks, I could set the earth’s crust into such a state of vibrations that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their beds, wrecking buildings and practically destroying civilization.”

The article, “Tesla’s Controlled Earthquakes” (July 11, 1935 New York American) stated:

Tesla’s “experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the earth – called by him ’the art of telegeodynamics’ were roughly described by the scientist as a sort of ’controlled earthquake.’

He stated:

The rhythmical vibrations pass through the earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. The invention could be used with destructive effect in war...”

In January, 1978, Dr.Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. issued a detailed research paper titled, “GLOBAL MAGNETIC WARFARE – A Layman’s Viet of Certain Artificially Induced Effects on Planet Earth during 1976 and 1977.”

Describing early Soviet work with Tesla’s method of “controlled earthquakes,” he stated: “Of the many great earthquakes of 1976, there is one that demands special attention – the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China earthquake.”

Puharich’s analysis is significant because it describes airglow plasma effects created by the Soviet Woodpecker system. Ionosphere heating ELF systems, like HAARP, can generate similar effects.

He stated:

The reason that this 1976 earthquake attracted my attention is that it was preceded by a light flare-up of the entire sky over Tangshan. Also, this earthquake occurred during the first month of Soviet Woodpecker radio emissions…

The most prominent effect was that when the Soviet Woodpecker emission was on at full strength – the sky would light up like an ionized gas-lamp – just as Tesla had predicted.”

The 6/5/77New York Timesdescribed the great earthquake, which destroyed Tangshan, and killed over 650,000 people:

Just before the first tremor at 3:42am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball.”

These electrical effects are tied to electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the strange array of flashes which results from Tesla-style and HAARP-like transmissions.

As part of the secret 1974 Vladivostok US-Soviet artificial global-warming agreement, the US began 30 Hz ELF transmissions from a site in the Pacific northwest in Washington. Coincidentally with the increase in Soviet and US ELF transmissions during 1980, was a sharp increase in earthquakes around the world.

The 1/30/81Washington Postreported:

The world sustained 71 significant earthquakes during 1980, up from 56 the previous year, and the world death toll climbed to 7140, 5 times the 1979 figure, the USGS said.”

On September 12, 1989, sensors called magnetometers, (at Corralitos, near Monterrey Bay, California) detected unusual ULF (between 0.01 Hz and 10 Hz – the lowest ELF frequencies) radio signals,

“which grew 30 times stronger October 5, and then weakened somewhat. At 2:00pm on October 17, the signals grew so strong that they went off of the sensor’s scales. Three hours later, the San Francisco Bay area shook violently as the magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake killed more than 60 people and injured 3800 others.

The catastrophic January 17, 1994 Los Angeles earth- quake was also preceded by mysterious radio signals. Some observers in Los Angeles reported hearing two loud “sonic booms” (which are typicalsymptoms of Soviet Tesla weapons usage) immediately before the earthquake.

That strange underground hum in the western US beginning to make a little more sense now?

Typical earthquakes occur no deeper than 20 to 25 kilometers. A very rare deep quake just took place. The 6/18/94Science Newsreported that on June 8th, ’a magnitude 8.2 quake emanated from 600 kilometers below Bolivia, punching the planet hard enough to send it ringing like a bell.

The quake was felt in much of North America, even as far away as Seattle – a fact that has puzzled geophysicists.

“This is the first time we know of that a quake in that part of South America was felt in North America,’ says Bruce W. Presgrave of the National Earthquake Information Center.”

A Grave Danger to Earth

Demonstrating the grave danger to this planet’s geomagnetic stability, the 1987 Eastlund patent (which is the basic design for the HAARP project) stated that,

The earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field.”

Quoting the 3/88 OMNI Magazine article,

“Richard Williams, a physicist at Princeton, stated that he thinks the Eastlund (HAARP) might become ’a serious threat to the earth’s atmosphere’ and ’could cause irreversible damage… effects in the atmosphere cannot be localized… the language of the patent indicates that it is clearly intended to provide effects on a global scale’.”

Quoting the 2/94 Cook Inlet Monthly Bush Blade,

“The late geomagnetic researcher Lloyd Zirbes strongly opposed the technology utilized in the HAARP system. He wrote, ’Disruption of the earth’s magnetic field will complete damages to the planet’s balance done by the government nuclear bomb blasts in the natural radiation belts above the ionosphere. Earth’s magnetic field keeps the planet in balance with the moon and sun. Disrupting the field will be the last straw in sending earth into the sun or out into space’.”

The combined effects of these transmitters, including the Russian Woodpecker, the new HAARP system, together with all the other ELF and VLF systems (such as those in Michigan and the GWEN towers), are very dangerous.

When operating simultaneously and during times of geomagnetic storms, they present a severe threat to the entire planet.

The disruption of the earth’s internal dynamo, and the disruption and alteration of the upper atmospheric magnetic belts (which constitute the external part of the earth’s natural dynamo system), can create a premature reversal of the magnetic poles, worsen the newly discovered wobble of the earth’s spin and possibly create a total polar reversal or earth shift.

The 1/78 Specula Magazine described Woodpecker effects:

“An electromagnetic signal of certain frequencies can be transmitted through the earth which, when introduced into the earth at certain multiples of 30 degrees, will form standing waves in the earth itself.

In certain incidence angle cases, the standing wave also induces a strange phenomenon: coherence to the standing wave is formed in the molten core of the earth itself, and a tiny fraction of the vast, surging electromagnetic currents of the liquid core begin to feed into and augment the induced standing wave.

“At this point, one has established a sort of giant triode: the inducing signal one is putting into the earth is the grid signal, and the vast energy in the molten core of the earth is the cathode and power supply. The established coherence serves as an amplification factor for the grid signal, and much more energy is now present in the standing wave than the miniscule amount being fed in from the earth’s surface.

By interferometer type techniques, multiple ’giant resonance’ waves of this type can be combined so that a ’beam’ or focused effect of very great energy exists inside the earth.

Depending on the frequency, focusing, wave shape, etc. one can … induce a variety of effects such as earthquakes, induced at a distant aiming point, severe disturbances in the middle and upper atmosphere over the target area… and anomalous weather effects. This is called the Tesla effect.”

Unlike earlier periods, the earth is now much more vulnerable to outside astronomical influences.

Today, powerful transmitters are interfering with, overriding and blanking out earth’s natural magnetic field. For the first time in human history, an ever-increasing number of artificial ELF and VLF vibrations are disrupting earth’s natural internal and external electromagnetic systems (which help to maintain planetary rotation, balance and stability).

The newly discovered planetary wobble and sudden, abrupt slow-downs in rotation are only the beginning. The chances are now greatly increased that any asteroid or meteorite that hits the earth could set off such a destructive resonance that the planet could split (as Tesla predicted) or suffer a total polar shift.

The severe threat to global stability created by the combined effects of the Woodpecker, HAARP, other ionosphere-heating ELF, long wire ELF and GWEN tower systems was demonstrated inT.E. Bearden’s book, “Fer-de-Lance“:

“Any large collection of nuclei – such as a star or a planet – is a strong absorber and radiator of scalar wave radiation. The Sun is a particularly strong source of scalar wave radiation.

This radiation penetrates the earth deeply, interacting more and more with the deeper layers, which under greater mechanical stress are more nonlinear. Most of the heat in the molten core of the earth comes from the dephasing of a portion of this absorbed scalar radiation from the Sun, liberating ordinary electromagnetic energy as heat.

“The Earth also re-radiates scalar wave radiation back to the Sun. The Sun and the Earth are thus coupled into a scalar system in equilibrium or near-equilibrium. Each body in the couplet possesses both a feed-forward and a feed-back loop.”

Describing large electromagnetic weapons (such as Woodpecker and HAARP-like systems), Bearden said:

“If significant scalar effects are produced on Earth in a ’pulse’ mode, pulsed disturbances of the Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon systems result. Here a danger exists that one or more natural resonances of the coupled systems may be excited. If too much or sharp stimulation occurs on Earth, the coupled resonant response from the Sun could be disastrous.

The simplest Doomsday simulation would be for a violent expulsion of solar electromagnetic energy and particles to occur. If this were due to resonance, the expulsions of solar electromagnetic energy and particles would continue during some decay time. In that case, the fiery destruction of the Earth, strongly indicative of Biblical prophecy, would result. Particularly sensitive are the resonances of Sun-Earth, Sun-Moon and Earth-Moon systems.

“Note the abnormal influence of the Moon on tides – tides of both the Earth’s tectonic plates and oceans. If the Earth-Moon resonant system were over stimulated, one might expect VIOLENT earthquakes of extraordinary magnitude, and tremendous tidal waves hundreds of feet in heights.

(The potential connections to legends of earth-destroying floods, scientific evidence of extreme water levels in mountains, and legends of ancient cataclysmic destruction of supposedly advanced technological oceanic cultures is obvious). [Atlantis]

“Use of huge scalar electromagnetic weapons (including US devices which interfere with God-given protective Van Allen and other external magnetic belts) is a double-edged sword.

Unless carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user (as the Soviets discovered when the main power source for the Gomel Woodpecker transmitter at Chernobyl exploded in 1986), as well as the victim, and even cause the destruction of Earth itself.

“Withscalar electromagnetic weapons, the consequence of a relatively simple electronic failure can be catastrophic; not only for the local nation but for the earth as a whole.

If an electro-gravitational pulse discharge happens to tickle the Sun’s and Moon’s [natural scalar electromagnetic] feedback loops the wrong way, you’ll get convulsions on the earth, and a violent increase in the interior heat of the Earth’s molten core, with a concomitant eruption of that core right up through the Earth’s mantle.”

Lovely, eh?


APTI, Inc.

A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.


DESCRIPTION1. Technical Field

This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the earth’s surface and more particularly relates to a method and apparatus for altering said at least one region by initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface essentially parallel to and along naturally-occurring, divergent magnetic field lines which extend from the earth’s surface through the region or regions to be altered.

2. Background Art

In the late 1950’s, it was discovered that naturally-occuring belts exist at high altitudes above the earth’s surface, and it is now established that these belts result from charged electrons and ions becoming trapped along the magnetic lines of force (field lines) of the earth’s essentially dipole magnetic field. The trapped electrons and ions are confined along the field lines between two magnetic mirrors which exist at spaced apart points along those field lines. The trapped electrons and ions move in helical paths around their particular field lines and “bounce” back and forth between the magnetic mirrors. These trapped electrons and ions can oscillate along the field lines for long periods of time.

In the past several years, substantial effort has been made to understand and explain the phenomena involved in belts of trapped electrons and ions, and to explore possible ways to control and use these phenomena for beneficial purposes. For example, in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s both the United States and U.S.S.R. detonated a series of nuclear devices of various yields to generate large numbers of charged particles at various altitudes, e.g., 200 kilometers (km) or greater. This was done in order to establish and study artifical belts of trapped electrons and ions. These experiments established that at least some of the extraneous electrons and ions from the detonated devices did become trapped along field lines in the earth’s magnetosphere to form artificial belts which were stable for prolonged periods of time. For a discussion of these experiments see “The Radiation Belt and Magnetosphere”, W. N. Hess, Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1968, pps. 155 et sec.

Other proposals which have been advanced for altering existing belts of trapped electrons and ions and/or establishing similar artificial belts include injecting charged particles from a satellite carrying a payload of radioactive beta-decay material or alpha emitters; and injecting charged particles from a satellite-borne electron accelerator. Still another approach is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,042,196 wherein a low energy ionized gas, e.g., hydrogen, is released from a synchronous orbiting satellite near the apex of a radiation belt which is naturally-occurring in the earth’s magnetosphere to produce a substantial increase in energetic particle precipitation and, under certain conditions, produce a limit in the number of particles that can be stably trapped. This precipitation effect arises from an enhancement of the whistler-mode and ion-cyclotron mode interactions that result from the ionized gas or “cold plasma” injection.

It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interactions.

However, in all of the above-mentioned approaches, the mechanisms involved in triggering the change in the trapped particle phenomena must be actually positioned within the affected zone, e.g., the magnetosphere, before they can be actuated to effect the desired change.

The earth’s ionosphere is not considered to be a “trapped” belt since there are few trapped particles therein. The term “trapped” herein refers to situations where the force of gravity on the trapped particles is balanced by magnetic forces rather than hydrostatic or collisional forces. The charged electrons and ions in the ionosphere also follow helical paths around magnetic field lines within the ionosphere but are not trapped between mirrors, as in the case of the trapped belts in the magnetosphere, since the gravitational force on the particles is balanced by collisional or hydrostatic forces.

In recent years, a number of experiments have actually been carried out to modify the ionosphere in some controlled manner to investigate the possibility of a beneficial result. For detailed discussions of these operations see the following papers: (1) Ionospheric Modification Theory; G. Meltz and F. W. Perkins; (2) The Platteville High Power Facility; Carrol et al.; (3) Arecibo Heating Experiments; W. E. Gordon and H. C. Carlson, Jr.; and (4) Ionospheric Heating by Powerful Radio Waves; Meltz et al., all published in Radio Science, Vol. 9, No. 11, November, 1974, at pages 885-888; 889-894; 1041-1047; and 1049-1063, respectively, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In such experiments, certain regions of the ionosphere are heated to change the electron density and temperature within these regions. This is accomplished by transmitting from earth-based antennae high frequency electromagnetic radiation at a substantial angle to, not parallel to, the ionosphere’s magnetic field to heat the ionospheric particles primarily by ohmic heating. The electron temperature of the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees in these experiments, and electrons with several electron volts of energy have been produced in numbers sufficient to enhance airglow. Electron concentrations have been reduced by a few percent, due to expansion of the plasma as a result of increased temperature.

In the Elmo Bumpy Torus (EBT), a controlled fusion device at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, all heating is provided by microwaves at the electron cyclotron resonance interaction. A ring of hot electrons is formed at the earth’s surface in the magnetic mirror by a combination of electron cyclotron resonance and stochastic heating. In the EBT, the ring electrons are produced with an average “temperature” of 250 kilo electron volts or kev (2.5.times.10.sup.9 K) and a plasma beta between 0.1 and 0.4; see, “A Theoretical Study of Electron–Cyclotron Absorption in Elmo Bumpy Torus”, Batchelor and Goldfinger, Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 20, No. 4 (1980) pps. 403-418.

Electron cyclotron resonance heating has been used in experiments on the earth’s surface to produce and accelerate plasmas in a diverging magnetic field. Kosmahl et al. showed that power was transferred from the electromagnetic waves and that a fully ionized plasma was accelerated with a divergence angle of roughly 13 degrees. Optimum neutral gas density was 1.7.times.10.sup.14 per cubic centimeter; see, “Plasma Acceleration with Microwaves Near Cyclotron Resonance”, Kosmahl et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 38, No. 12, Nov., 1967, pps. 4576-4582.

DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention provides a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating of electrons which are already present and/or artifically created in the region to thereby increase the charged particle energy and ultimately the density of the region.

In one embodiment this is done by transmitting circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface at or near the location where a naturally-occurring dipole magnetic field (force) line intersects the earth’s surface. Right hand circular polarization is used in the northern hemisphere and left hand circular polarization is used in the southern hemisphere. The radiation is deliberately transmitted at the outset in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends upwardly through the region to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which is based on the gyrofrequency of the charged particles and which, when applied to the at least one region, excites electron cyclotron resonance within the region or regions to heat and accelerate the charged particles in their respective helical paths around and along the field line. Sufficient energy is employed to cause ionization of neutral particles (molecules of oxygen, nitrogen and the like, particulates, etc.) which then become a part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. This effect can further be enhanced by providing artificial particles, e.g., electrons, ions, etc., directly into the region to be affected from a rocket, satellite, or the like to supplement the particles in the naturally-occurring plasma. These artificial particles are also ionized by the transmitted electromagnetic radiation thereby increasing charged particle density of the resulting plasma in the region.

In another embodiment of the invention, electron cyclotron resonance heating is carried out in the selected region or regions at sufficient power levels to allow a plasma present in the region to generate a mirror force which forces the charged electrons of the altered plasma upward along the force line to an altitude which is higher than the original altitude. In this case the relevant mirror points are at the base of the altered region or regions. The charged electrons drag ions with them as well as other particles that may be present. Sufficient power, e.g., 10.sup.15 joules, can be applied so that the altered plasma can be trapped on the field line between mirror points and will oscillate in space for prolonged periods of time. By this embodiment, a plume of altered plasma can be established at selected locations for communication modification or other purposes.

In another embodiment, this invention is used to alter at least one selected region of plasma in the ionosphere to establish a defined layer of plasma having an increased charged particle density. Once this layer is established, and while maintaining the transmission of the main beam of circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation, the main beam is modulated and/or at least one second different, modulated electromagnetic radiation beam is transmitted from at least one separate source at a different frequency which will be absorbed in the plasma layer. The amplitude of the frequency of the main beam and/or the second beam or beams is modulated in resonance with at least one known oscillation mode in the selected region or regions to excite the known oscillation mode to propagate a known frequency wave or waves throughout the ionosphere.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSThe actual construction, operation, and apparent advantages of this invention will be better understood by referring to the drawings in which like numerals identify like parts and in which:

FIG. 1 is a simplified schematical view of the earth (not to scale) with a magnetic field (force) line along which the present invention is carried out;

FIG. 2 is one embodiment within the present invention in which a selected region of plasma is raised to a higher altitude;

FIG. 3 is a simplified, idealized representation of a physical phenomenon involved in the present invention; and

FIG. 4 is a schematic view of another embodiment within the present invention.

FIG. 5 is a schematic view of an apparatus embodiment within this invention .

BEST MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION The earth’s magnetic field is somewhat analogous to a dipole bar magnet. As such, the earth’s magnetic field contains numerous divergent field or force lines, each line intersecting the earth’s surface at points on opposite sides of the Equator. The field lines which intersect the earth’s surface near the poles have apexes which lie at the furthest points in the earth’s magnetosphere while those closest to the Equator have apexes which reach only the lower portion of the magnetosphere.

At various altitudes above the earth’s surface, e.g., in both the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, plasma is naturally present along these field lines. This plasma consists of equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles (i.e., electrons and ions) which are guided by the field line. It is well established that a charged particle in a magnetic field gyrates about field lines, the center of gyration at any instance being called the “guiding center” of the particle. As the gyrating particle moves along a field line in a uniform field, it will follow a helical path about its guiding center, hence linear motion, and will remain on the field line. Electrons and ions both follow helical paths around a field line but rotate in opposite directions. The frequencies at which the electrons and ions rotate about the field line are called gyromagnetic frequencies or cyclotron frequencies because they are identical with the expression for the angular frequencies of gyration of particles in a cyclotron. The cyclotron frequency of ions in a given magnetic field is less than that of electrons, in inverse proportion to their masses.

If the particles which form the plasma along the earth’s field lines continued to move with a constant pitch angle, often designated “alpha”, they would soon impact on the earth’s surface. Pitch angle alpha is defined as the angle between the direction of the earth’s magnetic field and the velocity (V) of the particle. However, in converging force fields, the pitch angle does change in such a way as to allow the particle to turn around and avoid impact. Consider a particle moving along a field line down toward the earth. It moves into a region of increasing magnetic field strength and therefore sine alpha increases. But sine alpha can only increase to 1.0, at which point, the particle turns around and starts moving up along the field line, and alpha decreases. The point at which the particle turns around is called the mirror point, and there alpha equals ninety degrees. This process is repeated at the other end of the field line where the same magnetic field strength value B, namely Bm, exists. The particle again turns around and this is called the “conjugate point” of the original mirror point. The particle is therefore trapped and bounces between the two magnetic mirrors. The particle can continue oscillating in space in this manner for long periods of time. The actual place where a particle will mirror can be calculated from the following:

sin.sup.2 alpha.sub.o =B.sub.o /B.sub.m (1)


alpha.sub.o =equatorial pitch angle of particle

B.sub.o =equatorial field strength on a particular field line

B.sub.m =field strength at the mirror point

Recent discoveries have established that there are substantial regions of naturally trapped particles in space which are commonly called “trapped radiation belts”. These belts occur at altitudes greater than about 500 km and accordingly lie in the magnetosphere and mostly above the ionosphere.

The ionosphere, while it may overlap some of the trapped-particle belts, is a region in which hydrostatic forces govern its particle distribution in the gravitational field. Particle motion within the ionosphere is governed by both hydrodynamic and electrodynamic forces. While there are few trapped particles in the ionosphere, nevertheless, plasma is present along field lines in the ionosphere. The charged particles which form this plasma move between collisions with other particles along similar helical paths around the field lines and although a particular particle may diffuse downward into the earth’s lower atmosphere or lose energy and diverge from its original field line due to collisions with other particles, these charged particles are normally replaced by other available charged particles or by particles that are ionized by collision with said particle. The electron density (N.sub.e) of the plasma will vary with the actual conditions and locations involved. Also, neutral particles, ions, and electrons are present in proximity to the field lines.

The production of enhanced ionization will also alter the distribution of atomic and molecular constituents of the atmosphere, most notably through increased atomic nitrogen concentration. The upper atmosphere is normally rich in atomic oxygen (the dominant atmospheric constituent above 200 km altitude), but atomic nitrogen is normally relatively rare. This can be expected to manifest itself in increased airglow, among other effects.

As known in plasma physics, the characteristics of a plasma can be altered by adding energy to the charged particles or by ionizing or exciting additional particles to increase the density of the plasma. One way to do this is by heating the plasma which can be accomplished in different ways, e.g., ohmic, magnetic compression, shock waves, magnetic pumping, electron cyclotron resonance, and the like.

Since electron cyclotron resonance heating is involved in the present invention, a brief discussion of same is in order. Increasing the energy of electrons in a plasma by invoking electron cyclotron resonance heating, is based on a principle similar to that utilized to accelerate charged particles in a cyclotron. If a plasma is confined by a static axial magnetic field of strength B, the charged particles will gyrate about the lines of force with a frequency given, in hertz, as f.sub.g =1.54.times.10.sup.3 B/A, where: B=magnetic field strength in gauss, and A=mass number of the ion.

Suppose a time-varying field of this frequency is superimposed on the static field B confining the plasma, by passage of a radiofrequency current through a coil which is concentric with that producing the axial field, then in each half-cycle of their rotation about the field lines, the charged particles acquire energy from the oscillating electric field associated with the radio frequency. For example, if B is 10,000 gauss, the frequency of the field which is in resonance with protons in a plasma is 15.4 megahertz.

As applied to electrons, electron cyclotron resonance heating requires an oscillating field having a definite frequency determined by the strength of the confining field. The radio-frequency radiation produces time-varying fields (electric and magnetic), and the electric field accelerates the charged particle. The energized electrons share their energy with ions and neutrals by undergoing collisions with these particles, thereby effectively raising the temperature of the electrons, ions, and neutrals. The apportionment of energy among these species is determined by collision frequencies. For a more detailed understanding of the physics involved, see “Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions”, Glasstone and Lovberg, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1960 and “The Radiation Belt and Magnetosphere”, Hess, Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1968, both of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Referring now to the drawings, the present invention provides a method and apparatus for altering at least one region of plasma which lies along a field line, particularly when it passes through the ionosphere and/or magnetosphere. FIG. 1 is a simplified illustration of the earth 10 and one of its dipole magnetic force or field lines 11. As will be understood, line 11 may be any one of the numerous naturally existing field lines and the actual geographical locations 13 and 14 of line 11 will be chosen based on a particular operation to be carried out. The actual locations at which field lines intersect the earth’s surface is documented and is readily ascertainable by those skilled in the art.

Line 11 passes through region R which lies at an altitude above the earth’s surface. A wide range of altitudes are useful given the power that can be employed by the practice of this invention. The electron cyclotron resonance heating effect can be made to act on electrons anywhere above the surface of the earth. These electrons may be already present in the atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere of the earth, or can be artificially generated by a variety of means such as x-ray beams, charged particle beams, lasers, the plasma sheath surrounding an object such as a missile or meteor, and the like. Further, artificial particles, e.g., electrons, ions, etc., can be injected directly into region R from an earth-launched rocket or orbiting satellite carrying, for example, a payload of radioactive beta-decay material; alpha emitters; an electron accelerator; and/or ionized gases such as hydrogen; see U.S. Pat. No. 4,042,196. The altitude can be greater than about 50 km if desired, e.g., can be from about 50 km to about 800 km, and, accordingly may lie in either the ionosphere or the magnetosphere or both. As explained above, plasma will be present along line 11 within region R and is represented by the helical line 12. Plasma 12 is comprised of charged particles (i.e., electrons and ions) which rotate about opposing helical paths along line 11.

Antenna 15 is positioned as close as is practical to the location 14 where line 11 intersects the earth’s surface. Antenna 15 may be of any known construction for high directionality, for example, a phased array, beam spread angle (.theta.) type. See “The MST Radar at Poker Flat, Alaska”, Radio Science, Vol. 15, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1980, pps. 213-223, which is incorporated herein by reference. Antenna 15 is coupled to transmitter 16 which generates a beam of high frequency electromagnetic radiation at a wide range of discrete frequencies, e.g., from about 20 to about 1800 kilohertz (kHz).

Transmitter 16 is powered by power generator means 17 which is preferably comprised of one or more large, commercial electrical generators. Some embodiments of the present invention require large amounts of power, e.g., up to 10.sup.9 to 10.sup.11 watts, in continuous wave or pulsed power. Generation of the needed power is within the state of the art. Although the electrical generators necessary for the practice of the invention can be powered in any known manner, for example, by nuclear reactors, hydroelectric facilities, hydrocarbon fuels, and the like, this invention, because of its very large power requirement in certain applications, is particularly adapted for use with certain types of fuel sources which naturally occur at strategic geographical locations around the earth. For example, large reserves of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) exist in Alaska and Canada. In northern Alaska, particularly the North Slope region, large reserves are currently readily available. Alaska and northern Canada also are ideally located geographically as to magnetic latitudes. Alaska provides easy access to magnetic field lines that are especially suited to the practice of this invention, since many field lines which extend to desirable altitudes for this invention intersect the earth in Alaska. Thus, in Alaska, there is a unique combination of large, accessible fuel sources at desirable field line intersections. Further, a particularly desirable fuel source for the generation of very large amounts of electricity is present in Alaska in abundance, this source being natural gas. The presence of very large amounts of clean-burning natural gas in Alaskan latitudes, particularly on the North Slope, and the availability of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), gas turbine, fuel cell, electrogasdynamic (EGD) electric generators which operate very efficiently with natural gas provide an ideal power source for the unprecedented power requirements of certain of the applications of this invention. For a more detailed discussion of the various means for generating electricity from hydrocarbon fuels, see “Electrical Aspects of Combustion”, Lawton and Weinberg, Clarendon Press, 1969. For example, it is possible to generate the electricity directly at the high frequency needed to drive the antenna system. To do this, typically the velocity of flow of the combustion gases (v), past magnetic field perturbation of dimension d (in the case of MHD), follow the rule:


where f is the frequency at which electricity is generated. Thus, if v=1.78.times.10.sup.6 cm/sec and d=1 cm then electricity would be generated at a frequency of 1.78 mHz.

Put another way, in Alaska, the right type of fuel (natural gas) is naturally present in large amounts and at just the right magnetic latitudes for the most efficient practice of this invention, a truly unique combination of circumstances. Desirable magnetic latitudes for the practice of this invention interest the earth’s surface both northerly and southerly of the equator, particularly desirable latitudes being those, both northerly and southerly, which correspond in magnitude with the magnetic latitudes that encompass Alaska.

Referring now to FIG. 2 a first ambodiment is illustrated where a selected region R.sub.1 of plasma 12 is altered by electron cyclotron resonance heating to accelerate the electrons of plasma 12, which are following helical paths along field line 11.

To accomplish this result, electromagnetic radiation is transmitted at the outset, essentially parallel to line 11 via antenna 15 as right hand circularly polarized radiation wave 20. Wave 20 has a frequency which will excite electron cyclotron resonance with plasma 12 at its initial or original altitude. This frequency will vary depending on the electron cyclotron resonance of region R.sub.1 which, in turn, can be determined from available data based on the altitudes of region R.sub.1, the particular field line 11 being used, the strength of the earth’s magnetic field, etc. Frequencies of from about 20 to about 7200 kHz, preferably from about 20 to about 1800 kHz can be employed. Also, for any given application, there will be a threshhold (minimum power level) which is needed to produce the desired result. The minimum power level is a function of the level of plasma production and movement required, taking into consideration any loss processes that may be dominant in a particular plasma or propagation path.

As electron cyclotron resonance is established in plasma 12, energy is transferred from the electromagnetic radiation 20 into plasma 12 to heat and accelerate the electrons therein and, subsequently, ions and neutral particles. As this process continues, neutral particles which are present within R.sub.1 are ionized and absorbed into plasma 12 and this increases the electron and ion densities of plasma 12. As the electron energy is raised to values of about 1 kilo electron volt (kev), the generated mirror force (explained below) will direct the excited plasma 12 upward along line 11 to form a plume R.sub.2 at an altitude higher than that of R.sub.1.

Plasma acceleration results from the force on an electron produced by a nonuniform static magnetic field (B). The force, called the mirror force, is given by (2)

where .mu. is the electron magnetic moment and .gradient. B is the gradient of the magnetic field, .mu. being further defined as:

W.sub..perp. /B=mV.sub..perp..sup.2 /2B

where W.sub..perp. is the kinetic energy in the direction perpendicular to that of the magnetic field lines and B is the magnetic field strength at the line of force on which the guiding center of the particle is located. The force as represented by equation (2) is the force which is responsible for a particle obeying equation (1).

Since the magnetic field is divergent in region R.sub.1, it can be shown that the plasma will move upwardly from the heating region as shown in FIG. 1 and further it can be shown that

1/2M.sub.e V.sub.e.perp..sup.2 (x).apprxeq.1/2M.sub.e V.sub.e.perp..sup.2 (Y)+1/2M.sub.i V.sub.i.parallel..sup.2 (Y) (3)

where the left hand side is the initial electron transverse kinetic energy; the first term on the right is the transverse electron kinetic energy at some point (Y) in the expanded field region, while the final term is the ion kinetic energy parallel to B at point (Y). This last term is what constitutes the desired ion flow. It is produced by an electrostatic field set up by electrons which are accelerated according to Equation (2) in the divergent field region and pulls ions along with them. Equation (3) ignores electron kinetic energy parallel to B because V.sub.e.parallel. .apprxeq.V.sub.i.parallel., so the bulk of parallel kinetic energy resides in the ions because of their greater masses. For example, if an electromagnetic energy flux of from about 1 to about 10 watts per square centimeter is applied to region R, whose altitude is 115 km, a plasma having a density (N.sub.e) of 10.sup.12 per cubic centimeter will be generated and moved upward to region R.sub.2 which has an altitude of about 1000 km. The movement of electrons in the plasma is due to the mirror force while the ions are moved by ambipolar diffusion (which results from the electrostatic field). This effectively “lifts” a layer of plasma 12 from the ionosphere and/or magnetosphere to a higher elevation R.sub.2. The total energy required to create a plasma with a base area of 3 square kilometers and a height of 1000 km is about 3.times.10.sup.13 joules.

FIG. 3 is an idealized representation of movement of plasma 12 upon excitation by electron cyclotron resonance within the earth’s divergent force field. Electrons (e) are accelerated to velocities required to generate the necessary mirror force to cause their upward movement. At the same time neutral particles (n) which are present along line 11 in region R.sub.1 are ionized and become part of plasma 12. As electrons (e) move upward along line 11, they drag ions (i) and neutrals (n) with them but at an angle .theta. of about 13 degrees to field line 11. Also, any particulates that may be present in region R.sub.1, will be swept upwardly with the plasma. As the charged particles of plasma 12 move upward, other particles such as neutrals within or below R.sub.1, move in to replace the upwardly moving particles. These neutrals, under some conditions, can drag with them charged particles.

For example, as a plasma moves upward, other particles at the same altitude as the plasma move horizontally into the region to replace the rising plasma and to form new plasma. The kinetic energy developed by said other particles as they move horizontally is, for example, on the same order of magnitude as the total zonal kinetic energy of stratospheric winds known to exist.

Referring again to FIG. 2, plasma 12 in region R.sub.1 is moved upward along field line 11. The plasma 12 will then form a plume (cross-hatched area in FIG. 2) which will be relatively stable for prolonged periods of time. The exact period of time will vary widely and be determined by gravitational forces and a combination of radiative and diffusive loss terms. In the previous detailed example, the calculations were based on forming a plume by producing 0.sup.+ energies of 2 ev/particle. About 10 ev per particle would be required to expand plasma 12 to apex point C (FIG. 1). There at least some of the particles of plasma 12 will be trapped and will oscillate between mirror points along field line 11. This oscillation will then allow additional heating of the trapped plasma 12 by stochastic heating which is associated with trapped and oscillating particles. See “A New Mechanism for Accelerating Electrons in the Outer Ionosphere” by R. A. Helliwell and T. F. Bell, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 6, June, 1960. This is preferably carried out at an altitude of at least 500 km.

The plasma of the typical example might be employed to modify or disrupt microwave transmissions of satellites. If less than total black-out of transmission is desired (e.g., scrambling by phase shifting digital signals), the density of the plasma (N.sub.e) need only be at least about 10.sup.6 per cubic centimeter for a plasma orginating at an altitude of from about 250 to about 400 km and accordingly less energy (i.e., electromagnetic radiation), e.g., 10.sup.8 joules need be provided. Likewise, if the density N.sub.e is on the order of 10.sup.8, a properly positioned plume will provide a reflecting surface for VHF waves and can be used to enhance, interfere with, or otherwise modify communication transmissions. It can be seen from the foregoing that by appropriate application of various aspects of this invention at strategic locations and with adequate power sources, a means and method is provided to cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth. This invention could be employed to disrupt not only land based communications, both civilian and military, but also airborne communications and sea communications (both surface and subsurface). This would have significant military implications, particularly as a barrier to or confusing factor for hostile missiles or airplanes. The belt or belts of enhanced ionization produced by the method and apparatus of this invention, particularly if set up over Northern Alaska and Canada, could be employed as an early warning device, as well as a communications disruption medium. Further, the simple ability to produce such a situation in a practical time period can by itself be a deterring force to hostile action. The ideal combination of suitable field lines intersecting the earth’s surface at the point where substantial fuel sources are available for generation of very large quantitities of electromagnetic power, such as the North Slope of Alaska, provides the wherewithal to accomplish the foregoing in a practical time period, e.g., strategic requirements could necessitate achieving the desired altered regions in time periods of two minutes or less and this is achievable with this invention, especially when the combination of natural gas and magnetohydrodynamic, gas turbine, fuel cell and/or EGD electric generators are employed at the point where the useful field lines intersect the earth’s surface. One feature of this invention which satisfies a basic requirement of a weapon system, i.e., continuous checking of operability, is that small amounts of power can be generated for operability checking purposes. Further, in the exploitation of this invention, since the main electromagnetic beam which generates the enhanced ionized belt of this invention can be modulated itself and/or one or more additional electromagnetic radiation waves can be impinged on the ionized region formed by this invention as will be described in greater detail herein after with respect to FIG. 4, a substantial amount of randomly modulated signals of very large power magnitude can be generated in a highly nonlinear mode. This can cause confusion of or interference with or even complete disruption of guidance systems employed by even the most sophisticated of airplanes and missiles. The ability to employ and transmit over very wide areas of the earth a plurality of electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies and to change same at will in a random manner, provides a unique ability to interfere with all modes of communications, land, sea, and/or air, at the same time. Because of the unique juxtaposition of usable fuel source at the point where desirable field lines intersect the earth’s surface, such wide ranging and complete communication interference can be achieved in a resonably short period of time. Because of the mirroring phenomenon discussed hereinabove, it can also be prolonged for substantial time periods so that it would not be a mere transient effect that could simply be waited out by an opposing force. Thus, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art, particularly by the detonation of nuclear devices of various yeilds at various altitudes. Where the prior art approaches yielded merely transitory effects, the unique combination of fuel and desirable field lines at the point where the fuel occurs allows the establishment of, compared to prior art approaches, precisely controlled and long-lasting effects which cannot, practically speaking, simply be waited out. Further, by knowing the frequencies of the various electromagnetic beams employed in the practice of this invention, it is possible not only to interfere with third party communications but to take advantage of one or more such beams to carry out a communications network even though the rest of the world’s communications are disrupted. Put another way, what is used to disrupt another’s communications can be employed by one knowledgeable of this invention as a communications network at the same time. In addition, once one’s own communication network is established, the far-reaching extent of the effects of this invention could be employed to pick up communication signals of other for intelligence purposes. Thus, it can be seen that the disrupting effects achievable by this invention can be employed to benefit by the party who is practicing this invention since knowledge of the various electromagnetic waves being employed and how they will vary in frequency and magnitude can be used to an advantage for positive communication and eavesdropping purposes at the same time. However, this invention is not limited to locations where the fuel source naturally exists or where desirable field lines naturally intersect the earth’s surface. For example, fuel, particularly hydrocarbon fuel, can be transported by pipeline and the like to the location where the invention is to be practiced.

FIG. 4 illustrates another embodiment wherein a selected region of plasma R.sub.3 which lies within the earth’s ionosphere is altered to increase the density thereof whereby a relatively stable layer 30 of relatively dense plasma is maintained within region R.sub.3. Electromagnetic radiation is transmitted at the outset essentially parallel to field line 11 via antenna 15 as a right hand circularly polarized wave and at a frequency (e.g., 1.78 megahertz when the magnetic field at the desired altitude is 0.66 gauss) capable of exciting electron cyclotron resonance in plasma 12 at the particular altitude of plasma 12. This causes heating of the particles (electrons, ions, neutrals, and particulates) and ionization of the uncharged particles adjacent line 11, all of which are absorbed into plasma 12 to increase the density thereof. The power transmitted, e.g., 2.times.10.sup.6 watts for up to 2 minutes heating time, is less than that required to generate the mirror force F required to move plasma 12 upward as in the previous embodiment.

While continuing to transmit electromagnetic radiation 20 from antenna 15, a second electromagnetic radiation beam 31, which is at a defined frequency different from the radiation from antenna 15, is transmitted from one or more second sources via antenna 32 into layer 30 and is absorbed into a portion of layer 30 (cross-hatched area in FIG. 4). The electromagnetic radiation wave from antenna 32 is amplitude modulated to match a known mode of oscillation f.sub.3 in layer 30. This creates a resonance in layer 30 which excites a new plasma wave 33 which also has a frequency of f.sub.3 and which then propogates through the ionosphere. Wave 33 can be used to improve or disrupt communications or both depending on what is desired in a particular application. Of course, more than one new wave 33 can be generated and the various new waves can be modulated at will and in a highly nonlinear fashion.

FIG. 5 shows apparatus useful in this invention, particularly when those applications of this invention are employed which require extremely large amounts of power. In FIG. 5 there is shown the earth’s surface 40 with a well 41 extending downwardly thereinto until it penetrates hydrocarbon producing reservoir 42. Hydrocarbon reservoir 42 produces natural gas alone or in combination with crude oil. Hydrocarbons are produced from reservoir 42 through well 41 and wellhead 43 to a treating system 44 by way of pipe 45. In treater 44, desirable liquids such as crude oil and gas condensates are separated and recovered by way of pipe 46 while undesirable gases and liquids such as water, H.sub.2 S, and the like are separated by way of pipe 47. Desirable gases such as carbon dioxide are separated by way of pipe 48, and the remaining natural gas stream is removed from treater 44 by way of pipe 49 for storage in conventional tankage means (not shown) for future use and/or use in an electrical generator such as a magnetohydrodynamic, gas turbine, fuel cell or EGD generator 50. Any desired number and combination of different types of electric generators can be employed in the practice of this invention. The natural gas is burned in generator 50 to produce substantial quantities of electricity which is then stored and/or passed by way of wire 51 to a transmitter 52 which generates the electromagnetic radiation to be used in the method of this invention. The electromagnetic radiation is then passed by way of wire 53 to antenna 54 which is located at or near the end of field line 11. Antenna 54 sends circularly polarized radiation wave 20 upwards along field line 11 to carry out the various methods of this invention as described hereinabove.

Of course, the fuel source need not be used in its naturally-occurring state but could first be converted to another second energy source form such as hydrogen, hydrazine and the like, and electricity then generated from said second energy source form.

It can be seen from the foregoing that when desirable field line 11 intersects earth’s surface 40 at or near a large naturally-occurring hydrocarbon source 42, exceedingly large amounts of power can be very efficiently produced and transmitted in the direction of field lines. This is particularly so when the fuel source is natural gas and magnetohydrodynamic generators are employed. Further, this can all be accomplished in a relatively small physical area when there is the unique coincidence of fuel source 42 and desirable field line 11. Of course, only one set of equipment is shown in FIG. 5 for sake of simplicity. For a large hydrocarbon reservoir 42, a plurality of wells 41 can be employed to feed one or more storage means and/or treaters and as large a number of generators 55 as needed to power one or more transmitters 52 and one or more antennas 54. Since all of the apparatus 44 through 54 can be employed and used essentially at the sight where naturally-occurring fuel source 42 is located, all the necessary electromagnetic radiation 20 is generated essentially at the same location as fuel source 42. This provides for a maximum amount of usable electromagnetic radiation 20 since there are no significant storage or transportation losses to be incurred. In other words, the apparatus is brought to the sight of the fuel source where desirable field line 11 intersects the earth’s surface 40 on or near the geographical location of fuel source 42, fuel source 42 being at a desirable magnetic latitude for the practice of this invention, for example, Alaska.

The generation of electricity by motion of a conducting fluid through a magnetic field, i.e., magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), provides a method of electric power generation without moving mechanical parts and when the conducting fluid is a plasma formed by combustion of a fuel such as natural gas, an idealized combination of apparatus is realized since the very clean-burning natural gas forms the conducting plasma in an efficient manner and the thus formed plasma, when passed through a magnetic field, generates electricity in a very efficient manner. Thus, the use of fuel source 42 to generate a plasma by combustion thereof for the generation of electricity essentially at the site of occurrence of the fuel source is unique and ideal when high power levels are required and desirable field lines 11 intersect the earth’s surface 40 at or near the site of fuel source 42. A particular advantage for MHD generators is that they can be made to generate large amounts of power with a small volume, light weight device. For example, a 1000 megawatt MHD generator can be construed using superconducting magnets to weigh roughly 42,000 pounds and can be readily air lifted.

This invention has a phenomenal variety of possible ramifications and potential future developments. As alluded to earlier, missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, or confusion could result, particularly when relativistic particles are employed. Also, large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpectedly high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction or deflection of same. Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device. Also as alluded to earlier, molecular modifications of the atmosphere can take place so that positive environmental effects can be achieved. Besides actually changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence. For example, ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased. Similarly, environmental enhancement could be achieved by causing the breakup of various chemical entities such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and the like. Transportation of entities can also be realized when advantage is taken of the drag effects caused by regions of the atmosphere moving up along diverging field lines. Small micron sized particles can be then transported, and, under certain circumstances and with the availability of sufficient energy, larger particles or objects could be similarly affected. Particles with desired characteristics such as tackiness, reflectivity, absorptivity, etc., can be transported for specific purposes or effects. For example, a plume of tacky particles could be established to increase the drag on a missile or satellite passing therethrough. Even plumes of plasma having substantially less charged particle density than described above will produce drag effects on missiles which will affect a lightweight (dummy) missile in a manner substantially different than a heavy (live) missile and this affect can be used to distinguish between the two types of missiles. A moving plume could also serve as a means for supplying a space station or for focusing vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the earth. Surveys of global scope could also be realized because the earth’s natural magnetic field could be significantly altered in a controlled manner by plasma beta effects resulting in, for example, improved magnetotelluric surveys. Electromagnetic pulse defenses are also possible. The earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic field in high Compton electron generation (e.g., from high altitude nuclear bursts) regions. High intensity, well controlled electrical fields can be provided in selected locations for various purposes. For example, the plasma sheath surrounding a missile or satellite could be used as a trigger for activating such a high intensity field to destroy the missile or satellite. Further, irregularities can be created in the ionosphere which will interfere with the normal operation of various types of radar, e.g., synthetic aperture radar. The present invention can also be used to create artificial belts of trapped particles which in turn can be studied to determine the stability of such parties. Still further, plumes in accordance with the present invention can be formed to simulate and/or perform the same functions as performed by the detonation of a “heave” type nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device. Thus it can be seen that the ramifications are numerous, far-reaching, and exceedingly varied in usefulness.


1. A method for altering at least one region normally existing above the earth’s surface with electromagnetic radiation using naturally-occurring and diverging magnetic field lines of the earth comprising transmitting first electromagnetic radiation at a frequency between 20 and 7200 kHz from the earth’s surface, said transmitting being conducted essentially at the outset of transmission substantially parallel to and along at least one of said field lines, adjusting the frequency of said first radiation to a value which will excite electron cyclotron resonance at an initial elevation at least 50 km above the earth’s surface, whereby in the region in which said electron cyclotron resonance takes place heating, further ionization, and movement of both charged and neutral particles is effected, said cyclotron resonance excitation of said region is continued until the electron concentration of said region reaches a value of at least 10.sup.6 per cubic centimeter and has an ion energy of at least 2 ev.

2. The method of claim 1 including the step of providing artificial particles in said at least one region which are excited by said electron cyclotron resonance.

3. The method of claim 2 wherein said artificial particles are provided by injecting same into said at least one region from an orbiting satellite.

4. The method of claim 1 wherein said threshold excitation of electron cyclotron resonance is about 1 watt per cubic centimeter and is sufficient to cause movement of a plasma region along said diverging magnetic field lines to an altitude higher than the altitude at which said excitation was initiated.

5. The method of claim 4 wherein said rising plasma region pulls with it a substantial portion of neutral particles of the atmosphere which exist in or near said plasma region.

6. The method of claim 1 wherein there is provided at least one separate source of second electromagnetic radiation, said second radiation having at least one frequency different from said first radiation, impinging said at least one second radiation on said region while said region is undergoing electron cyclotron resonance excitation caused by said first radiation.

7. The method of claim 6 wherein said second radiation has a frequency which is absorbed by said region.

8. The method of claim 6 wherein said region is plasma in the ionosphere and said second radiation excites plasma waves within said ionosphere.

9. The method of claim 8 wherein said electron concentration reaches a value of at least 10.sup.12 per cubic centimeter.

10. The method of claim 8 wherein said excitation of electron cyclotron resonance is initially carried out within the ionosphere and is continued for a time sufficient to allow said region to rise above said ionosphere.

11. The method of claim 1 wherein said excitation of electron cyclotron resonance is carried out above about 500 kilometers and for a time of from 0.1 to 1200 seconds such that multiple heating of said plasma region is achieved by means of stochastic heating in the magnetosphere.

12. The method of claim 1 wherein said first electromagnetic radiation is right hand circularly polarized in the northern hemisphere and left hand circularly polarized in the southern hemisphere.

13. The method of claim 1 wherein said electromagnetic radiation is generated at the site of a naturally-occurring hydrocarbon fuel source, said fuel source being located in at least one of northerly or southerly magnetic latitudes.

14. The method of claim 13 wherein said fuel source is natural gas and electricity for generating said electromagnetic radiation is obtained by burning said natural gas in at least one of magnetohydrodynamic, gas turbine, fuel cell, and EGD electric generators located at the site where said natural gas naturally occurs in the earth.

15. The method of claim 14 wherein said site of natural gas is within the magnetic latitudes that encompass Alaska.

Referenced Cited

Other references

  • Liberty Magazine, (2/35) p. 7 N. Tesla. New York Times (9/22/40) Section 2, p. 7 W. L. Laurence. New York Times (12/8/15) p. 8 Col. 3.

Patent History

Patent number: 4686605
Filed: Jan 10, 1985
Date of Patent: Aug 11, 1987
Assignee:APTI, Inc.(Los Angeles, CA)
Inventor:Bernard J. Eastlund(Spring, TX)
Primary Examiner:Salvatore Cangialosi
Attorney:Roderick W. MacDonald
Application Number: 6/690,333


Current U.S. Class:Modification Of Environmental Electric Charge (361/231);89/111;Miscellaneous (380/59); 244/158R
International Classification: H05B 664; H05C 300; H05H 146;






NOTICE the pattern in the sky. The wavy cloud structures that did not exist in world I grew up in. I am 72 years old. People my age know what the world used to be. That is why they want us dead. We don’t buy their BS.



HAARP-Like Ionospheric Research Project Underway at Arecibo Observatory


The new facility will replace an earlier ionospheric heater inIslote, Puerto Rico, that was destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998. Rather than rebuild that installation, the new instrument will use the observatory’s 1000 foot dish for its antenna. Source

The Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club, KP4AO, is headquartered at the research facility, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last fall.

The National Science Foundation and Cornell University, which previously operated Arecibo Observatory, contracted with Penn State’s Electrical Engineering Department to construct the “new and enhanced” HF ionospheric instrument. It will be used to study the interaction between HF radio energy and ionospheric plasma.

The new facility will replace an earlier ionospheric heater in Islote, Puerto Rico, that was destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998. Rather than rebuild that installation, the new instrument will use the observatory’s 1000 foot dish for its antenna. This will keep all research activities involving ionospheric modification at the observatory proper.

Plans call for a design based on a Cassegrain screen concept of phased array at the bottom of the dish feeding a sub-reflector mesh that hangs above the dish from three support towers. Breakall and his team of graduate students at Penn State have done all of the electrical design and modeling of this new antenna system.

“There are three crossed-dipoles for 5.1 MHz and another three for 8.175 MHz, forming an array that will beam energy up to a net mesh reflector that will hang from the three big towers,” Breakall explained. “This Cassegrain screen will then reflect energy back down to the 1000 foot dish and beam an effective radiated power of hundreds of megawatts up to the ionosphere to modify it.” Each dipole is fed from a 100 kW transmitter, yielding a total transmitted power of 600 kW.

An even earlier HF heating antenna system also was suspended from the platform above the dish and driven by a single 100 kW transmitter over a frequency range of 3 to 10 MHz. That design suffered from arcing problems and was taken out of service in the 1970s.

Scale aside, Breakall said, while HAARP also tried to modulate the ionosphere’s naturally flowing currents to create VLF and ELF for submarine communication, Arecibo “has much weaker currents, and that probably will not work,” he said. On the other hand, he said, “Arecibo has a big advantage over HAARP in that the same 1000 foot dish can be used for diagnostics with the 430 MHz incoherent scatter radar that can measure things such as temperature, density, winds, etc, as they are modified. HAARP has nothing like this.”

Breakall said he does not anticipate that the new Arecibo ionospheric research facility will attract the same degree of controversy that HAARP did over its history,but conceded that it’s possible.

All of the conspiracy stuff about HAARP really is not true,and I am sure Arecibo could get some of the same conspiracy [talk], and I think some of it maybe has started already,” he said.


EISCAT_3D, the new Arctic radar gets go-ahead for construction

Monday, 12 June 2017


Artist impression of the EISCAT_3D transmitter-receiver: there are 109 hexagonal antenna groups, each of which consists of 91 antennae. The
diameter of the whole installation is about 70 metre.

A new international research radar called EISCAT_3D was given the green light to proceed this month, promising a step-change in understanding the effect of solar storms and space weather on the upper atmosphere in the Arctic.

TheEISCAT_3Dfacility will be distributed across three sites in Northern Scandinavia – in Skibotn, Norway, near Kiruna in Sweden, and near Kaaresuvanto in Finland. Each site will consist of about 10.000 antennas fed by a powerful 5 MW transmitter at Skibotn and a receiver at each of the three sites. The total budget is 70 M€ and the project will start in September 2017. Site preparations begin in summer 2018 and the radar is expected to be operational in 2021.

The EISCAT_3D radar consists of three sites: the transmitter-receiver in Norway and two receiver sites in Finland and Sweden.

EISCAT_3D will be the world’s leading facility of its kind, offering together with the older EISCAT Svalbard radar a critically important window to the upper atmosphere and the near-Earth space in the European Arctic. As the name suggests, a key capability is to measure a 3-D volume of the upper atmosphere by using the most modern digital and analogue technologies. Signals from the antennas will be combined electronically, and hence the radar can look even in 100 different directions at any given instant.

EISCAT_3D makes it possible to study how energetic particles and electrical currents from space affect the upper and the lower atmosphere as well as man-made technologies such as satellites and power grids on the ground. Also, the aurora borealis can be studied in three dimensions.

The system will be built by theEISCAT Scientific Association, comprising research councils and national institutes from Finland, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan and China. EISCAT_3D is the culmination of a 10-year design and preparation phase, supported by the European Union. TheAcademy of Finlandfinances the investment with 12.8M€, which includes funding from the University of Oulu of 756,000€.

In Finland, the EISCAT_3D project is co-ordinated byUniversity of Ouluand its independent departmentSodankylä Geophysical Observatory. Observatory director Esa Turunen states that the decision means a significant investment in Finland, Sweden and Norway for the next 30 years. The economic implications will be multifold.

Professor in Space Physics Anita Aikio tells that the EISCAT_3D project is very important for Finnish space research: “For the first time, we can measure in three dimensions the effect of energetic particles and electrical currents from space on the upper and middle atmosphere simultaneously. This makes it possible to find connections between space physics and atmospheric physics.”

For further information please contact:

  • Director Esa Turunen, Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, tel.+358 50 5663 264, e-mail: esa.turunen (at)
  • Professori Anita Aikio, University of Oulu, puh. + 358 50 3500 641, e-mail: anita.aikio (at)
  • Senior Science Advisor Kati Sulonen, Academy of Finland, tel. +358 29 533 5110, e-mail: kati.sulonen (at)



THE TRUE CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANY OTHER CHANGES IN OUR WORLD – Eye Opening Truth (25)Solar System Radar Astronomy at Arecibo – Arecibo Science

The Arecibo planetary radar system offers extremely high resolution views, which, for some objects, rivals that of spacecraft imaging. Ground-based radar is available for a much wider …


Arecibo Observatory

Radar astronomy

Arecibo Discoveries

Solar System



Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) dumps chemicals in space while a ground-based microwave antenna in Arecibo, Puerto Rico heats them to study and modify the ionosphere. The Arecibo heater was later destroyed by a hurricane then rebuilt as the Enhanced HF Ionospheric Heating Instrument.[1]

The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite, CRRES, was a joint program of NASA and the Department of Defense launched in July of 1990. The spacecraft was placed in a highly elliptical orbit and conducted uniqely active experiments involving the release of chemicals at various locations where the complex interactions between solar radiation and the fields and particles in Earth’s magnetosphere could be observed. Roger R. Anderson of The University of Iowa was the PI of the Plasma Wave Experiment on CRRES which was part of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory’s SPACERAD project. The mission ended in October of 1991.[2]

CRRES Program Experiments Release ReleaseExperiment no. Chemical Location Altitude Period____________________________________________________________________________________SATELLITE EXPERIMENTSCritical Velocity Critical Velocity G-13 Strontium Am. Samoa 270-360 mi. Sept. 1990 Ionization Barium G-14 Calcium Am. Samoa 270-360 mi. Sept. 1990 BariumHigh-Altitude Magnetospheric Diagmagnetic Cavity, G-1 Barium N. America 1.3 Re* Jan-Feb 1991 Plasma Coupling G-2 Barium N. America 1.8 Re Jan-Feb 1991 G-3 Barium N. America 3.5 Jan-Feb 1991 G-4 Barium N. America 5.5 Jan-Feb 1991Stimulated Electron/ G-5 Lithium N. America >6.0 Re Jan-Feb 1991Aurora ProductionStimulated Ion- G-6 Lithium N.America >6.0 Re Jan-Feb 1991Cyclotron Wavesand Ion Precip.Ion Tracing G-7 Lithium N. America >6.0 Re Jan-Feb 1991and AccelerationVelocity Distribution G-9 Barium Caribbean June-July 1991RelaxationCaribbean Perigee Grav. Instability G-8 Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi. June-July 1991Field EquipotentialityField Line G-10 Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi June-July 1991Tracing and G-11 Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi June-July 1991Equipotentiality G-11A Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi June-July 1991 G-12 Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi June-July 1991 G-12A Barium Caribbean 270-480 mi June-July 1991 *Re=Earth radii CRRES PROGRAM EXPERIMENTS Release ReleaseExperiment no. Chemical Location Altitude Period__________________________________________________________________________________SOUNDING ROCKET EXPERIMENTSKwajalein Equatorial AA-5 SF6* Kwajalein 240 mi Jul.-Aug. 1990 Instability Seeding AA-6A SF6 Kwajalein 150 mi Jul.-Aug. 1990 AA-6B SF6 Kwajalein 150 mi Jul.-Aug. 1990Puerto Rican Rockets F-Region AA-1 Barium Puerto Rico 150 mi June-July 1991 Irregularity Evolution HF Ionospheric AA-2 Barium Puerto Rico 150 mi June-July 1991 Modification of a Barium Plasma E-Region AA-7 Barium Puerto Rico 150 mi June-July 1991 Image Formation HF-Induced Ion AA-3 Barium Puerto Rico 90-240 mi June-July 1991 Striation/Differential Barium Puerto Rico 90-240 mi June-July 1991 Ion Expansion Barium Puerto Rico 90-240 mi June-July 1991 SF6 Puerto Rico 90-240 mi June-July 1991 Ionospeheric AA-4 SF6 Puerto Rico 210-240 mi June-July 1991 Focused Heating*SF6=Sulfur hexafluoride [3]


1.Nossa, Eliana. “The Arecibo Observatory – HF facility.” SRI International, USRA, UMET (2017).

2.“CRRES Plasma Wave Experiment.” University of Iowa (1994).

3.“CRRES Plasma Wave Experiment: Press Kit.” University of Iowa (1994).

4.Livingston, R. C., et al. “Multiple Instrument Studies of Chemical Releases and Heating at Arecibo.” (1994).

5.Bernhardt, P. A. “Probing the magnetosphere using chemical releases from the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite.” Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4.7 (1992): 2249-2256.

6.Nichols, Stephen, Jeffrey Wise, and Ian Strong. “Chemical Release Observation Program Description and Flight Results.” (1992).

7.“Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar.” Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Wiki, National Science Foundation (2002).





AGU Publications › doi › pdfdirect

The experiments on modifying the Earth’s ionosphere by the high-power HF radio waves have been con-ducted for about 50years. Over the years, there were more than 10 such facilities …














Arecibo Observatory Ionospheric Heating Campaign Under Way




Preliminary results from the Arecibo Heating Experiment (HEX): HF to GNSS


The ionosphere is subject to many solar and terrestrial influences that can generate disturbances, causing degradation to modern communication and navigational systems. Whilst the disturbances are normally caused by natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes and solar storms; they can also be generated by artificially modifying the ionosphere. Artificial Ionospheric Modification (AIM) attempts to alter a small region of the ionosphere in order to perturb the RF propagation environment. This can be achieved through injecting the ionosphere with aerosols, chemicals or radio signals. The effects of any such modification can be detected through the deployment of sensors, including ground based high-frequency (HF) sounders and dual-band Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. HF sounders allow measurements of the bottom-side of the ionosphere. GNSS receivers offer a convenient means of obtaining information about the ionosphere, including ionospheric disturbances through changes in the derived total electron content information. The Heating EXperiment (HEX) (How appropriate the named it a word that means MAGIC SPELL), which took place in March and May 2017, was designed to further our understanding of the phenomena caused by artificially heating a small region of the ionosphere, using the Arecibo facility in Puerto Rico. This was achieved by utilizing a HF measurement experiment spread between Texas and Trinidad and the deployment of a small scale travelling ionospheric disturbance (TID) network near the heater. The TID network comprised three GNSS receivers along baselines of approximately 4 km, located 20 km north of the heater. This paper presents preliminary results from the HEX campaign, including evidence of heating-induced disturbances enhancing propagation between Virginia and Trinidad. The implications of generated irregularities on GNSS will also be discussed.


American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, abstract #SM11G-08

Pub Date:
December 2017
  • 2403 Active experiments;
  • 7803 Active perturbation experiments;
  • 7867 Wave/particle interactions;
  • 7868 Wave/wave interactions;
  • The countries are testing a technology for possible military application, say Chinese scientists involved in the project
  • Militaries have been in a race to control the ionosphere, which allows radio signals to bounce long distances for communication, for decades

Reading Time:4 minutes

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Stephen CheninBeijing

China and Russia have modified an important layer of the atmosphere above Europe to test a controversial technology for possible military application, according to Chinese scientists involved in the project.

A total of five experiments were carried out in June. One, on June 7, caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 126,000 sq km (49,000 square miles), or about half the size of Britain.

The modified zone, looming more than 500km (310 miles) high over Vasilsursk, a small Russian town in eastern Europe, experienced an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions.

In another experiment on June 12, the temperature of thin, ionised gas in high altitude increased more than 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) because of the particle flux.


The control over the ionosphere has become an ambitious project for some military forces, as it has the capacity to disrupt communication of enemy satellites. The U.S., for instance, was also involved in a multimillion-dollar project called the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, also known as HAARP, located 200 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska, and funded by the U.S. military and the Defense Department in 1993. HAARP was later transferred from the U.S. Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks on August 11, 2015.

The use of such practices over the ionosphere has raised concerns among critics. They argued that these tests could affect the operation of human brains or spur weather changes and natural disasters (even late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez once said that the U.S. used this technology to cause the 2010 Haiti earthquake) but others dismiss these claims as mere conspiracy theories.

The test findings occur at a time when the U.S. is gearing up to create a space force. As both China and Russia have been developing lasers and anti-satellite missiles, the Trump administration announced Monday that it will launch a Space Command this week while the Pentagon completes its Space Force proposal, CNN reported. Source


6 mins to read


China and Russia are testing a technology for possible military application. Photo / 123RF

China and Russia have modified an important layer of the atmosphere above Europe to test a controversial technology for possible military application, according to Chinese scientists involved in the project.

A total of five experiments were carried out in June. One, on June 7, caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 126,000 sq km (49,000 square miles), or about half the size of Britain.

The modified zone, looming more than 500km (310 miles) high over Vasilsursk, a small Russian town in eastern Europe, experienced an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions.

In another experiment on June 12, the temperature of thin, ionised gas in high altitude increased more than 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) because of the particle flux.

The particles, or electrons, were pumped into the sky by Sura, an atmospheric heating facility in Vasilsursk built by the former Soviet Union’s military during the cold war.

The Sura base fired up an array of high-power antennas and injected a large amount of microwaves into the high atmosphere. The peak power of the high frequency radio waves could reach 260 megawatts, enough to light up a small city.

Zhangheng-1, a Chinese electromagnetic surveillance satellite, collected the data from orbit with cutting-edge sensors. The pumping and fly-by required precise coordination to achieve effective measurement.

When Zhangheng approached the target zone, for instance, the sensors would switch to burst mode to analyse samples every half a second, much faster than usual, to increase data resolution.

The results were “satisfactory”, the research team reported in a paper published in the latest issue of the Chinese journal Earth and Planetary Physics.

“The detection of plasma disturbances … provides evidence for likely success of future related experiments,” the researchers said.

Professor Guo Lixin, dean of the school of physics and optoelectronic engineering at Xidian University in Xian and a leading scientist on ionosphere manipulation technology in China, said the joint experimentation was extremely unusual.

“Such international cooperation is very rare for China,” said Guo, who was not involved in the experiment. “The technology involved is too sensitive.”

THE TRUE CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANY OTHER CHANGES IN OUR WORLD – Eye Opening Truth (46)The militaries have been in a race to control the ionosphere for decades.

The Sura base in Vasilsursk is believed to be the world’s first large-scale facility built for the purpose. Up and running in 1981, it enabled Soviet scientists to manipulate the sky as an instrument for military operations, such as submarine communication.

High-energy microwaves can pluck the electromagnetic field in ionosphere like fingers playing a harp. (THUS THE NAME HAARP) This can produce very low-frequency radio signals that can penetrate the ground or water – sometimes to depths of more than 100 metres (328 feet) in the ocean, which made it a possible communication method for submarines.

Changing the ionosphere over enemy territory can also disrupt or cut off their communication with satellites.

Chinese researcher involved in the experiment The US military learned from the Russian experiment and built a much larger facility to conduct similar tests.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, was established in Gakona, Alaska, in the 1990s with funding from the US military and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The HAARP facility could generate a maximum 1 gigawatt of power, nearly four times that of Sura.

China is now building an even larger and more advanced facility in Sanya, Hainan, with capability to manipulate the ionosphere over the entire South China Sea, according to an earlier report by the South China Morning Post.

There have been concerns that such facilities could be used to modify weather and even create natural disasters including hurricanes, cyclones and earthquakes.

The ultra-low frequency waves generated by these powerful facilities could even affect the operation of human brains, some critics have said.

But Dr Wang Yalu, an associate researcher with the China Earthquake Administration who took part in the study in June, dismissed such theories.

“We are just doing pure scientific research. If there is anything else involved, I am not informed about this,” she said in an interview.

The earthquake administration was involved because the Zhangheng-1, launched in February, was the first Chinese satellite capable of picking up precursory signals linked to earthquakes. It is operated by the Chinese military and has served both civilian and defence uses.

In the China-Russian experiment, researchers found that even with a small power output of 30MW, the radio beam could create a large abnormal zone. But they also found that the effects dropped sharply after sunrise, as the man-made perturbation easily became lost in the noise created by sunlight.

“We are not playing God. We are not the only country teaming up with the Russians. Other countries have done similar things,” said another researcher who was involved in the project and asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The Sura facility has also conducted joint research with France and the United States, according to papers published in academic journals.

The National Centre for Space Studies, a French government agency under the supervision of the ministries of defence and research, has deployed the micro satellite DEMETER to monitor Sura’s radio emissions.

The Defence Meteorological Satellite Programme run by the US Department of Defence has also contributed fly-by data in several heating experiments conducted at the Russian site before 2012.

The countries were willing to collaborate in part because many scientific and technical problems remain to be solved, the Chinese researcher said.

For example, though there is general consensus that human disturbances can cause the irregularities, how they happened and why remains a subject of debate, with different research teams providing varied explanations.

Professor Gong Shuhong, a military communication technology researcher at Xidian University, formerly the Radio School of the Central Military Committee, said he had been closely following the Russia-China heating experiment.

“The energy emitted was too low to trigger a global environmental event,” he said. “Human influence is still very small compared to the power of Mother Nature. But the impact to a small region is possible.”

In theory, a butterfly flapping its wings might be amplified in a sophisticated weather system and cause a storm in a distant location several weeks later.

“Such studies must strictly follow ethical guidelines,” Gong said. “Whatever they do, it must not cause harm to the people living on this planet.”




China andRussiahave joined forces and are going ahead with controversial plans to heat and alter the Earth’s atmosphere.

This project, experts claim, has potential military applications as it can disrupt satellite communication,a distinct advantage in the event of war or espionage.

Charged particles, known as ions, create a reflective layer over a specific region of land and cause a satellite communications blackout.

The two superpowers have conducted several joint experiments which altered the chemical composition of the air high above Europe and Chinaplans to expand the use of the technology.


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Changing the atmosphere has potential military applications as it can disrupt satellite communication. The two superpowers have conducted several joint experiments which altered the chemical composition of the air high above Europe

South China Morning Postreports that one experiment involved a region half the size of Britain (126,000 sq km/49,000 square miles) more than 310 miles (500 km) above Eastern Europe.

Vasilsursk, a small Russian town, experienced a spike of electricity which had ten times morenegatively charged subatomic particles than nearby regions.

Further experiments included increasing the temperature of an ionised gas in the atmosphere by more than 100°C (212°F).

Electrons were sent into the sky by a specialist facility in Vasilsursk which was built during the cold war.

It produced microwaves at 260 mega watts – enough to light a small city and sent these high into the atmosphere.

Data on the reaction of Earth’s atmosphere was then collected byZhangheng-1, a Chinese electromagnetic surveillance satellite.

It was calibrated to maximise data collection and took measurements every half a second.

In a research paper published in Chinese journal Earth and Planetary Physics the results were labelled as ‘satisfactory’ by the authors.

Professor Guo Lixin at Xidian University in China called the joint venture extremely unusual.

‘Such international cooperation is very rare for China,’ said Guo, who was not involved in the experiment. ‘The technology involved is too sensitive.’


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Earth’s ionosphere is created when the cosmic rays from space excite atoms and force electrons to separate, creating ionscharged electrons.

At high altitudes this is common and can cause microwaves and radiowaves to bounce off the charged particles like a mirror.

This has a significant impact on how radio signals are transmitted over long distances,

Military interest in the ionosphere is not new but technological advancements has made its manipulation possible.

Changing the ionosphere over enemy territory can disrupt or cut off communication with satellites, a distinct advantage in the event of war or espionage.

Changing the atmosphere has sparked further fears as theorists claim the technology may be used to modify weather patterns, cause natural disasters and even interfere with proper brain function.

Both the US and the Soviet Union developed sites to alter the ionosphere during the Cold War but China has redoubled these efforts and is now building its own.

Purportedly, theadvanced facility in Sanya, Hainan will be able to manipulate the ionosphere over the entire South China Sea.

Some have raised concerns that this technology could be manipulated tomodify weather and cause natural disasters, although most experts believe this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory,

Extra criticism has come in the shape of claims the radiation could affect the true function of human brains.

Dr Wang Yalu, an associate researcher with the China Earthquake Administration who took part in the study in June, rejected these claims.

‘We are just doing pure scientific research. If there is anything else involved, I am not informed about this,’ she said in an interview.

Researchers reported in October that a Chinese telecoms firms had been hijacking internet traffic on a regular basis.

Chris Demchak of the United States Naval War College and Yuval Shavitt of the Tel Aviv University in Israeltraced global border gateway protocol (BGP) announcements.

They discovered several attacks by state-run China Telecom over the past few years, according to reports inSecure Reading.

They found that China redirected traffic between Canada and Korean government networks to itspoint of presence (PoP) in Toronto for six months in 2016.

Internet traffic normally takes a short route which is through Canada, the U.S and then to Korea.

Traffic between Scandinavia and Japan was also hijacked between April and May 2017.

PoPs manage traffic between all the smaller networks called autonomous systems (AS).

China has ten PoPs in North America, but it doesn’t allow any foreign country PoPs in their country.

The traffic between two autonomous systems are managed with the help of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

BGP hijacks can also occur by mistake if this system is set up incorrectly.

Most of BGP hijacking attacks nowadays are the work of government agencies or criminal organisations with access or control of strategically placed ISPs, experts warn.

‘Building a successful BGP hijack attack is complex, but much easier with the support of a complicit and preferably large scale ISP that is more likely to be included as a central transit point among a sea of ASs,’ the report said.

‘China Telecom has ten strategically placed, Chinese controlled internet ‘points of presence’4 (PoPs) across the internet backbone of North America.’

Vast rewards can be reaped from the hijacking, diverting, and then copying of information-rich traffic going into or crossing the United States and Canadaoften unnoticed and then delivered with only small delays.

The full findings of the study were published in the Journal of the Military Cyber Professionals Association.


Space & Atmospheric

A unique, high-altitude plasma cavity formed over Arecibo during an ionospheric heating campaign conducted at the observatory in June of 2019. Simultaneously, the Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) collected measurements of the narrow cavity, revealing an exceptionally deep depletion of the electron density and a strong enhancement of the electron and ion temperatures.

The AO experiment and its scientific implications were detailed in a recent publication of the Journal of Geophysical Research – Space Physics. The team of researchers used the Arecibo Observatory’s 430 MHz radar to put energy into the Earth’s ionosphere, and then observed how the ionospheric plasma was affected. In response to the heat, the plasma density itself was reduced, forming the observed cavity.

THE TRUE CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANY OTHER CHANGES IN OUR WORLD – Eye Opening Truth (48)Dr. Edlyn Levine, Lead Physicist at the MITRE Corporation and the principal investigator of the study, described the motivation behind this work. “Modification experiments that leverage resonant coupling of high power radio frequency waves to the ionospheric plasma reveals complexities of the ionosphere that are important to understand for both fundamental and applied planetary science.”

This showed that the level of modification that we can do to the ionosphere using Arecibo is more profound than generally accepted for a heater of our power level...” –Dr. Michael Sulzer, Senior Observatory Scientist at Arecibo Observatory

In this experiment, the team was surprised by the strength of the plasma cavity that formed. “This showed that the level of modification that we can do to the ionosphere using Arecibo is more profound than generally accepted for a heater of our power level,” remarked Dr. Michael Sulzer, AO scientist and co-author on the publication. “Every ionospheric parameter we were studying showed modification of some kind!” In addition to having the ability to modify the ionosphere, Dr. Levine asserted that “Arecibo is uniquely positioned at mid-latitude and has unique diagnostic capabilities, the most exceptional being the ISR.”

“Arecibo is uniquely positioned at mid-latitude and has unique diagnostic capabilities, the most exceptional being the ISR.” –Dr. Edlyn LevineLead Physicist at the MITRE Corporation

In fact, the team applied a new ISR technique during their observations. They alternated the radar system on and off every 10 seconds, and then used the radar backscatter to understand the background conditions of the ionosphere better. This provided a clearer view of the plasma cavity.

Ionospheric studies have always been of interest to Dr. Sulzer. “There is still so much we do not know,” he related. “Experimental plasma physics is a difficult science. In a laboratory, your experiment is limited because you have to confine the plasma. However, using the entire ionosphere as a lab is extremely interesting because the plasma is unconstrained in size.”

Dr. Levine affirmed the importance of using facilities like Arecibo to obtain a more detailed understanding of how the ionosphere responds to changes like those created during the heating experiments. “We are constantly being surprised by new results from further probing of the ionosphere.

The physical facility of Arecibo is incredible in scale and capability, but the most remarkable aspect of my visit was the incredibly friendly and knowledgeable scientific and engineering staff,” Dr. Levine remarked about her first visit to the Arecibo Observatory. “My hope is that this is the first of many high frequency heating campaigns that we can run.”

Article written by Dr. Tracy Becker – AO Collaborator / SwRI Research Scientist

Arecibo Media Contact
Ricardo Correa
Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM)
787-878-2612 ext. 615

Head of the Space & Atmospheric Dept.
Dr. Christiano Brum
Arecibo Observatory

Arecibo Observatory
Route 625 Bo. Esperanza
Arecibo, PR 00612

Contact Information

The Arecibo Observatory is a facility of theNational Science Foundationoperated under cooperative agreement by theUniversity of Central Florida

TheNational Science Foundation(NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progess of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…”

Keywords:arecibo, observatory, Levine, Sulzer, MITRE, ionospheric, heating, campaign, Experimental, plasma, physics, isr, incoherent, scatter radar, 430, MHZ,



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